About Me

Hi There My New Creativepreneur Friend!

I'm Gina, a creative soul since pretty much birth. I have dabbled in many creative outlets such as abstract painting, wedding book making, floral arrangements, but it wasn't until 2010 when I discovered my true passion. And that is jewelry making. Who would have thought that little venture would turn into a full time business. But it did, and I couldn't be happier.

There's something so fulfilling about having your own business. Now 14 years later, I am passionate about helping other women (and men) create their own small business where they can earn extra income. And who knows, your new business venture may turn out to be a full time gig where you can leave your other job.

What helped me stand out in the jewelry world was these little cards I created to go along with some of my jewelry pieces. I discovered Canva (love it) and began making these cute cards. Honestly, somedays I enjoyed creating those cards and graphics more than the jewelry. And that's when I realized how  much I enjoy creating visuals and digitals.

So here I am to help you discover your passion and create an income stream..It's going to be a fabulous journey, I promise! The possibilites are truly endless! ♥